Saturday, 15 October 2011

One night in......

... Bangkok Poznan.
Well, it's strange. I always knew that the Polish people are nice and welcoming people. Somehow (for business) I could visit again this nice Country. The Destination was Poznan, and i had a free night on the first day. (Just for an example the taxi driver who took me from the airport to my hotel bought me a bottle of beer when I told him that i want  to try out the best polish beers. So he just stopped, and bought me one of their finest.For free. :) )
So I grab my gear, asked for a map, and hit the city. Guess what. I was walking in the cold (approx 6 C or 42F) with only a leather jacket+T-shirt. After a hour I ended up in a pub (Johnnie Rocker). And a local band just started to play. Yes, it was a live performance night. I was sitting there with my Nikon in my bag. So I ordered a beer and start shooting the band. Nobody asked me who am I, or where I came from. They were good. I mean, they could make the mood for the approx 75 people. Not bad for young band.
And when i sent them my pictures i got a very good feedback. I mean, a really good one.They were not the fist - and i hope not the last one- who told me they really liked my pictures, but for now, it was something different. I really know nothing about them. What music they play, what is their "style" but it seems I was able to deliver for them what they haven't expected. That was the special in this case.
If you like rock music and you're in Poland, that band is a must see (Stormy Monday).
I'll add only 1 picture this time, my personal fav. Do you remember the previous post's blue contour like photo? Well, here is an another one. I kinda like the mood. :)

1 comment:

  1. I like this almost looks like a painting :)
